Friday, July 13, 2007

DAY 6 - Maasai

Wow, what a day yesterday! We started at the Maasai Ostrich Ranch, where we toured the commercial farm of 2600 ostriches ranging from 3 weeks to 13 years. Then we all RODE ostriches (yes, even Christine conquered her fear of birds), seated on canvas "saddles" and in the good hands of 3 guides. Boy, ostriches can move! Then we had a delicious lunch of marinated ostrich (much like flank steak in appearance, texture and taste) and fries.

From there we visited a Maasai homestead. We were greeted by a traditional Maasai song from a women's group, wearing their beautiful beadwork, and then we met the herdsman, who introduced us to one of his 2 wives, and we were able to enter their homes (dark and tiny - everyone had to crouch almost double to go in). We learned about aspects of their culture, such as poligamy, marriage of 13 year old girls to 60 year old men, sharing of wives with visitors and the fact that women own nothing and are often left for long stretches of time to fend for themselves and their children while the men roam with the flocks to find pasture. Priscilla, our local host, has established a rescue centre for girls who wish to escape this path, and has also established the women's network who greeted us, helping them to create beadwork for sale so that they can purchase animals and items of their own to sustain them when their husbands are away. Every other day, this family walks 5km each way to the nearest bore hole for water. This herdsman is also considered very progressive because he has educated 3 of his daughters, and has then allowed them to choose their own husbands.

Last night we packed and this morning we are off to Nakuru, with a stop along the way at Mt. Longonot for a hike up this extinct volcano. A heads up, now that we are leaving Limuru, internet access is going to become more sporadic, and may be dial up, so photos are unlikely. We will still try to post entries, but I don't think we will be able to manage daily updates as we have done to date. Kwaheri! (Good bye in Swahili)


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone:
Christine on an ostrich! We hope you got lots of pictures of that one!! Did it help that you got to eat one later?

We continue to be amazed by the experiences that you are having. Take care. Lots of love
Sue and Paul

Unknown said...

Good for you Christine, way to go!...You're much more brave than I would have been..both riding it and eating it:)
Your stories are always exciting! The visit at the volcano will be quite something. Thank you for continuing to try to communicate with us a.much.a. you can. We love you guys and our prayers are with all. Alexander, I got your message on email.. you made my day!Ian is also checking out the blog!
All my love - bisous
Maman XX

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! What a great aspect of the culture to be exposed to: the Kenyan feminist revolution (including Christine on the ostrich) - way to go girls! We love hearing your updates and look forward to seeing you again.

Love Stephanie and Colin.

PD Car said...

It's amazing how many types of experiences you've had already. It must have been amazing for you all to try to fathom how the Massai live - relationships and all!

Looking forward to hearing the music you bring home.

David - Love to you from Carolyn and Brooke

Anonymous said...

Allo Griffin et compagnie!
Tes journees sont si merveilleusement remplies!!! J'espere que tu prends le temps de faire des entrees de journal aussi detaillees et completes que possible... Non seulement pour partager avec plusieurs a ton retour, mais parce que ca va demeurer un de tes plus precieux souvenirs... autant, sinon plus, que les photos... En passant, j'espere aussi que j'aurai le plaisir de voir une photo de toi a dos d'une autruche! Ca, ca va valoir tres cher! Si t'as la chance, ce serait bien apprecie de nous envoyer un mot s.t.p.? Entre temps, je vous souhaite tous que cette belle aventure et education continuent a vous epater et vous eveiller a tout point de vue!
Tes soeurs et Poppie sont toutes de retour et t'envoient des super calins!
Maman xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hi everyone!!1
i'm a friend of someone in the group,back at R.C.I.,and i just wanted to tell you you're doing a totally great job!!can't wait to read the next post!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Runnymede Youth Outreach!
It's great to get your postings and to hear all about your adventures as they happen - meeting amazing people with such different ideas and seeing giraffes and ostriches outside of a zoo! Since your stories are so current it's like being there.

Please keep the stories and pictures coming when you can so we can share your wonderful experiences. You are an inspiration!


Will and Susan

Anonymous said...

Hello Runnymede Youth Outreach:

Your accounts are wonderful. Congratulations on you successful mission.

The "Wednesday July 11th report" on a sophisticated computer managed green bean farm" is very interesting.

On Monday July 9, 2007 included an article on a pilot Vadafone cellphone project in Kenya. This project has passed the 175,000 mobile phone mark. It is of special benefit to microlenders.

On Saturday July 7, 2007 the Globe and mail carried an article on Nokia (1119) economics, how the poor in India are benefiting by using cellphone to advantage in their micro business opportunities.

Be good ambassaadors, keep hope alive


Marj aand Werner

Anonymous said...

Hey all!
By the time you next get a chance to read this, you'll be well into your last week of your "soul safari"!... So MANY humbling, joyous and unique encounters and experiences... all of which will hopefully, between the lot of you, be captured in those daily journals of yours and many priceless pictures which we all look forward to having you share with us in th not-too-distant future... meanwhile, I know we've all gotten so much out of this brilliant blog site! You've done an awesome job with it and with how you've succeeded in truly making everyday count. We greatly look forward to your next entry... I'm sure it'll be a doozy! Love to all.
Marie-Claire, Cozette et Jozephine
P.S. Josie et Kip: Si vous me lisez presentement...petite clarification: les "conferences-promenades" sont offertes tous les jours et apparaissent dans le "Pariscope", disponible a tout kiosque a journaux...J'espere que vous faites bon sejour! xxx